Friday, 17 January 2025



Why is Esme outside in the cold weather without a coat! 

Oh she says she was showing her new shoes to Joan, but Joan is keeping quiet.

She shows off the new shoes .

Mm I inform her that they are for all of them , well Bella P, Bella S, Esme G and maybe even Marigold ! Naturally her too.

But she says Look how perfectly they match my skirt? 

I do agree she's got a point but I still tell her they are everyone's not just hers, she's not too happy but that's a dolls life 

Tuesday, 14 January 2025


 bunny !

Aimi is has taken Big bun for a ride round the garden but he's quite heavy for a little girl to push.

She's determined to get back to the house without having to make Big Bun get out and hop!

"Faster faster ! " Big Bun calls out 

Aimi manages to go a little faster because she can see she's nearly at the house and can finally have a rest!

Wednesday, 1 January 2025



Bella Spring is wondering if she can have some trifle now or does she have to wait until everyone's finished their cake ?

Marigold is planning to finally get dressed but only because she wants to go outside and mum said no , not unless she gets dressed !

Esme is more interested in telling her sisters of all her plans for this new year that's started today 

Bella thinks Esme's list of plans is very long and no one ever gets even half of them done when they make them at new years ! 

So lots of chatting , planning and laughing continues as they slowly eat their way through all the delicious delights on the tea table.

Sunday, 29 December 2024



The dolls are ready and waiting for the performance to start.

Luckily the theatre is at home since Marigold in the centre front and Bella Play on her right decided they didn't want to get dressed today!

The performance has started and the Sugar Plum Fairy is dancing away.

Today's puppeteer is Lillian , one of the bigger dolls

She is even wearing the skirt mum made her with some nutcracker patterned fabric !

Everyone seems to be enjoying the dancing and humming along to the music.

Lillian is doing a great job.

It's so quiet in the audience , you could hear a pin drop !

Lillian is very good at managing all the puppets.

I think we will leave them there to see the rest of the ballet. 


This blog is/ will be about my collection of dolls by the artists Lynne and Michael Roche. 

 Some of their handmade dolls released Christmas 2024.  They have been making dolls for almost forty years, in fact it will be forty years in 2025.

Over recent years they have semi retired, so only a few dolls are released at Easter/ Spring and Christmas/ Winter. But the dolls do come up now and then on the second hand market but to sell at a premium. 

Most of the bigger dolls are made of Lime wood bodies and porcelain heads and hands. 

Tall dolls like this Lillian from the 2024 collection are around 21 inches.

Down to Kitty here who is 10 inches , usually have the wooden bodies, below this size the bodies will usually be all porcelain or could have fabric bodies with porcelain heads and hands.

You can find their website at